Realize Your True Potential


As a symbol of growth and new beginnings, the butterfly (papillon in French) signifies the power of transformation and the incredible feats we can achieve when we trust ourselves.

At Papillon Leadership Coaching we coach senior and emerging leaders, and those in transition of all types, to spread their wings and show the world their best, most confident selves.

Lori Feldman

About Me

Hi, I'm Lori Feldman.

I'm an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified leadership coach and professional development mentor based in the greater Chicagoland area.

I thrive on motivating, inspiring, and nurturing resilient leaders. If you're brave, committed, and curious you'll find our coaching relationship can be a powerful catalyst to becoming the person you most want to be.


My passion is to support people so they can realize their strengths, and capitalize on those strengths, as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. I'll help you see yourself more clearly - and compassionately - to help you quickly reframe, shift perspective, and redefine yourself and your situation.

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We offer custom coaching programs including:

One-on-One Coaching


Goal Setting

Progress tracking

Accountability with Actions

Continuous Feedback

Curated Learning Resources

Price is based on duration and scope.

No matter where you are in your journey you can benefit from coaching.

We often think successful people are simply born that way and stroll through their lives with the Midas touch.

Working with a professional coach is becoming increasingly common among global influencers and intellectual leaders. But, coaching is not exclusively reserved for people at the top. It is accessible and helpful for people in all stages and in all walks of life. Many people credit coaching with helping them gain clarity and access valuable insights to support ongoing development toward achieving their potential.

Steve Jobs, the famous co-founder of Apple, had several coaches. Among them was John Mattone, who shared that their coaching sessions delved into various subjects such as making vulnerable decisions, adopting a mindset of duty rather than entitlement, and having the bravery to execute tasks with pride, passion, and precision. They also explored the concepts of thinking outside the box, having ambitious goals, staying focused on the present, and remaining vigilant.

Some well-known names have credited coaching with helping them to rise to the next level including:

Oprah Winfrey

Producer, Author, CEO

"Coaching helps you stop the crazy mind chatter in your head that tells you all the time that you're not good enough."

Eric Schmidt

Former CEO of Google

"The one thing that people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps."

Bill Gates

Founder of Microsoft

"Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s how we improve."

Hugh Jackman


"A coach just has a different perspective. Still to this day, the best have coaches because the coach can see what you can't see because you're in the forest, they're outside of it."

What Can Leadership Coaching Do For You?

Leadership coaching is a partnership between an individual and a coach working together to enhance the quality of an individual's professional and personal life, while also fostering lasting behavioral change.

What Can We Achieve Together?

Is an investment in Leadership Coaching Really Worth it?

A study done by the International Coaching Federation found that:


of people who invested in coaching report an increase in self-confidence


of coaching clients are satisfied or very satisfied with their experience


Average Return on Investment

*based on a study of 100 Executive/Leadership Coaching Clients


Increase in work performance after working with a Leadership Coach

Commonly Asked Questions about Coaching

A blue butterfly with black wings is flying on a white background
  • Who is coaching for?

    Professionals at any age or career stage can reap the benefits of coaching. If you are willing to dedicate the necessary time and commit to self-exploration and critical thinking to enhance your skills, a coach can be an ideal partner to support your advancement. 

    Based on a 2020 worldwide survey of the coaching industry, managers account for 27% of coaching clients, while executives and C-suite leaders make up 25%, indicating the high demand for coaching in these two areas. (Source: 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study)

  • Do I need to be an "executive" or in management to benefit from leadership coaching?

    Nope! People at all stages of their careers and lives can benefit from coaching and having a thought partner on their journey.

  • How does leadership coaching work?

    The process is unique for every individual. At Papillon Leadership Coaching we tailor our coaching programs to each client's goals.

    Your coach serves as your consultant, planner, confidant, and mentor. 

    They will help you to formulate and execute a strategy to achieve your business objectives, while also evaluating your existing leadership approach and identifying areas for enhancement.

    Coaches aren't just cheerleaders, though. Tough love can play a crucial role in a coaching session. When entering a coaching session, it is important to approach it with an open mind, recognizing that there are always more things to learn about being an effective leader, even if you already possess high levels of skill and experience.

  • What are the benefits of leadership coaching in improving my leadership skills?

    Leadership coaching provides leaders with the chance to take a step back from their demanding roles and contemplate not just what they do, but how they do it. If you're contemplating coaching, you may have come to the realization that something needs to change in your leadership approach in order to excel or experience greater fulfillment. However, you might be uncertain about how to implement these changes or have encountered difficulties in sustaining them over time.

    You may have received input on your leadership skills or influence, or you might have a desire to assume greater responsibility or advance in your career, but you're uncertain about the necessary actions to achieve those goals. It's also possible that you feel your work could be more satisfying if you could implement a particular change, and you require guidance in making that a reality.

    With the assistance of a leadership coach, you can delve into your leadership practices, fundamental beliefs, and attitudes. The objective is to assist you in gaining fresh perspectives on your current leadership influence and pinpointing areas where you desire to implement modifications. During this process, it may be necessary to confront and overcome any barriers that are impeding your progress, enabling you to cultivate higher levels of self-assurance and proficiency. The coach will offer assistance as you explore and implement new actions and tactics, and subsequently evaluate their efficacy in attaining your intended outcomes. 

  • How will I know if you are the right coach for me?

    Apart from being curious about the definition of leadership coaching, you may also wonder how you can determine if a particular leadership coach is right for you. It is well-established that the relationship between you and the coach is the most crucial aspect that influences the effectiveness of coaching. 


    At Papillon Leadership Coaching we offer a complimentary 'chemistry' meeting before the commencement of coaching. During this meeting, you have the opportunity to evaluate if we have a strong rapport and believe that we can achieve remarkable results through collaboration. Usually, this sense of "connection" is established through a gut instinct of being listened to, valued, and comprehended.


    The chemistry meeting also serves as a chance for you to gain further insight into my experience, coaching style, and approach and address any specific inquiries you may have. This will help to assure you that I am the right coach for you.

  • What are the signs that I might benefit from coaching?

    Many professionals report feeling they have hit a wall in their career development, or that they feel “stuck” or “in a rut” before they begin coaching. 


    Perhaps you have encountered a challenge in your career that you are unsure how to address, or you don’t know how to elevate yourself to reach the next level in your career. Or, you have been offered a great opportunity, and you are excited about the new challenge. You just need to figure out how to achieve the desired results efficiently and effectively in a way that’s consistent with your values.

    Coaching can be especially powerful when transitioning into a new role—such as becoming a manager for the first time or taking on a new C-suite position. It also can provide invaluable support when a major change occurs, such as becoming a parent or if external factors at your organization cause shifts in your role. 


    Whether you need direction or simply want to push yourself to keep building your skills, a coach can be a thought partner to help you find your way to your next goal.


Let’s Talk

Do you want to do more, be more, accomplish more, but don't know where to begin? I'm here to help you get started. 

Don't wait another moment. The time is now. The person is you. Take the leap and start your own leadership transformation. 

To see if we are a good fit to work together I offer a complimentary 15-minute discovery call.  Click to schedule here or fill out the form if you would like me to reach out to you.

Contact Us

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